USABA Emerging Stars ID Camp
The United States Association of Blind Athletes invites youth athletes, ages 14-18, and coaches to apply for the inaugural USABA Emerging Stars ID Camp at the Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center. This camp will provide participants with training sessions in a variety of Paralympic sports at world-class venues. Paralympic national team coaches will help guide participants through their athletic journey, providing them with key traits for success moving forward.
When: July 21-25, 2019. Participants will arrive on July 21st and depart on July 25
th via the Colorado Springs Airport (COS)
Athletes Who Should Apply: Athletes who are blind/VI between the ages of 14 to 18, especially those who aspire to represent Team USA in the future. Preference for multi-sport athletes who are competent swimmers. Athletes will be expected to complete 3 days straight of 4-5 hours a day of exercise.
Coaches Who Should Apply: Coaches who work with athletes who are blind/VI who would like to increase their knowledge and expertise in Paralympic sports.
Where: Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center (1 Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909)
Sports Included: Goalball, track and field, swimming, judo and triathlon
Application: Athletes and coaches
can apply here (Application Deadline is May 27)
Purpose: In addition to traditional training/practice sessions in selected sports, the camp will incorporate key aspects of elite-level athletes, including nutrition, strength and conditioning, goal setting and mentorship. Athletes will leave the camp with valuable training experience in a variety of sports, introduction to key national team staff and tools for success moving forward.
Funding: Accepted applicants will have room/board expenses covered as well as a $300 travel stipend.
Questions? Contact USABA Programs & Finance Manager Kevin Brousard / (719) 866 3019
Documents & Links
Camp Flyer Contacts
Kevin Brousard
(719) 866 3019