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ANNOUNCEMENT: USABA Looking For New Board Directors and Committee Members

Posted March 13, 2020  USABA Updates

Recently, USABA made a significant update to its bylaws ( to become more aligned with the USOPC and other NGBs. As a result, the USABA board of directors is seeking to fill positions on the board and on standing committees (Governance, Ethics, Judicial). We have a need for both independent board members and goalball athlete members. This is an excellent opportunity for qualified individuals to have an impact on the future of blind sports and its development under the umbrella of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic movement.

The complete job description is located here and below. All positions are for a 4-year term and require a commitment on your part to be a contributing member of the board or committee to which you are elected. To be considered for a position, please submit your resume/CV and a cover letter on why you want to be part of the board, what specific skills you have, and how you believe USABA can better impact the lives of our members. Submit your materials to

If you have additional questions you can direct them to Paul Shields at

The final deadline to be considered for committees is April 1, 2020.

The final deadline to be considered for board positions is May 1, 2020.


United States Association of Blind Athletes

Member of the Board of Directors and Board Committees
Job Description and Expectations


The United States Association of Blind Athletes empowers Americans who are blind and visually impaired to experience life-changing opportunities in sports, recreation and physical activities, thereby educating and inspiring the nation.

Our Vision

Every American who is blind or visually impaired will lead a healthy lifestyle by actively participating in sports, recreation and physical activity.

Our Beliefs

Respect: We respect and honor the inherent value and the contributions of people who are blind and visually impaired.

Integrity: We conduct our business transparently, honestly, and ethically.

Empowerment: We are deeply dedicated to the potential of each person who is blind or visually impaired involved with USABA to realize his or her aspirations.

Diversity: We are committed to welcoming individuals from various cultural backgrounds and life experiences, regardless of disability, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and age.

Inclusion: We foster an environment of acceptance through education and seek ways to broaden the integration of athletes who are blind and visually impaired into community-based sports programs and competitions.


  • Attend board/committee meetings regularly
  • Participate in its meetings regularly
  • Attend board retreat, in-service workshops and other board development activities
  • Attend and participate in special events as needed
  • Be well informed on issues and agenda items in advance of meetings
  • Contribute skills, knowledge and experience when appropriate
  • Listen respectfully to other points of view
  • Participate in organizational decision-making
  • Contribute financially to the organization, according to one’s ability
  • Support and participate in fundraising activities
  • Perform program and management oversight by being aware of all aspects of the organization
  • Be a goodwill ambassador for the organization
  • Assume leadership positions willingly
  • Be a team player

Length of Term:                          Four years

Responsible to:                           Entire Board

Time Commitment:                    5-10 Hours per month

Governing Style:

The Board of Directors of USABA will approach its governance task with a style that emphasizes the following:

  • Outward vision
  • Encouragement of diversity in viewpoints
  • Strategic leadership more than administrative detail
  • Clear distinction between board and staff roles
  • Focus on the future
  • Being proactive rather than reactive in its endeavors

Code of Ethics:

As a member of the board, I will:

  • Listen carefully to my board colleagues;
  • Respect the opinion of fellow board members;
  • Respect and support majority decisions of the board;
  • Recognize that all authority is vested in the full board only when it meets in legal sessions;
  • Keep well-informed about developments relevant to issues that may come before the board;
  • Participate in board meetings and actions;
  • Bring to the attention of the board any issues I believe will have an adverse effect on the organization or those we serve;
  • Attempt to interpret the needs of those we serve to the nonprofit, and interpret the actions of the nonprofit to those we serve;
  • Refer complaint to the proper level on the chain of command;
  • Recognize that my job is to ensure that the nonprofit is well-managed, not to manage the nonprofit;
  • Represent all those whom this nonprofit serves, not just a particular geographic area or interest group;
  • Consider myself a “trustee” of the nonprofit and do my best to ensure that it is well-maintained, financially secure, growing and always operating in the best interests of those we serve;
  • Always work to learn how to do my job better;
  • Declare conflicts of interest between my personal life and my position on the board and abstain from voting or discussion when appropriate.

As a member of the board, I will not:

  • Criticize fellow board members or their opinions, in or out of the board room;
  • Use the nonprofit organization for my personal advantage or that of my friends or relatives;
  • Discuss the confidential proceedings of the board outside the boardroom;
  • Promise before the meeting how I will vote on any issue;
  • Interfere with the duties of the administrator or undermine the administrator’s authority with staff members.

